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Copps Hill Burying Ground, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA |
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Gee Family Tomb, Copps Hill Burying Ground, Boston, MA Joshua Gee (d. 1724) became a prosperous Boston shipwright. He bought Tomb #3 around 1717. This marker memorializes the family. |
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Peter GEE (d. Abt 1682)
Joshua Gee monument, Copps Hill Burying Ground, Boston, MA Joshua Gee was buried here near the Old North Church, along with his co-pastor, Cotton Mather. He originally bought this plot by deed, this was the marker for the family mausoleum. |
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Joshua GEE
Granary Burying Ground, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA |
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Peter Gee and wife Grace, tombstones in the Granary Burying Ground, Boston Founders of the line of Boston Gee's, they lie here in good company with Samuel Adams, Paul Revere and John Hancock. |
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Peter GEE (d. Abt 1682)